Co-op warns criminals not to target stores during pandemic after bolstering security

The Co-op is warning criminals after improving its security measures to keep colleagues and customers safe.The Co-op is warning criminals after improving its security measures to keep colleagues and customers safe.
The Co-op is warning criminals after improving its security measures to keep colleagues and customers safe. | Other 3rd Party
Co-op stores are warning would-be criminals that it is ‘not worth the risk’ targeting its stores during this uncertain times after boosting security measures.

The retailer, which has more than 260 food stores and petrol stations, revealed it was working closely with police forces to let it be known that any type of crime from burglaries to violence and aggression towards staff would ‘not be tolerated’ as it works hard to keep stores open and provide access to vital and food essentials.

Extra measures being put in place include additional security guards to ensure shoppers are safe and adhere to social distancing.

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Craig Goldie, loss prevention manager, said: “During these uncertain times we all having to adapt but one thing that remains constant for us here at the Co-op is our zero tolerance towards all types of crime.

“We want to send a clear message out to anyone who might consider targeting our stores at this time – it is not worth the risk and no crime will be tolerated.

“As well as working closely with local police forces, we have also put in place extra security guards to help keep colleagues and customers safe and also make sure that people are respecting social distancing rules.

“We also want to reiterate our plea to treat our colleagues with care, compassion and respect as they work around the clock for our communities.”

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